Welcoming Summer: Embracing the joys of the sunny season

10 fun summer activities for kids of all ages

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10 fun summer activities for kids of all ages

We have officially arrived at the best time of the year… SUMMER! The kids are out of school, the sun is shining, and vacation time is closer than ever. Now the question I have every year when my nieces and nephews come visit my husband and me during the summer is “how are we going to keep them entertained, happy, and active? We of course love to take them to the pool, splash parks, and water parks around the area but we are also always trying new ideas that we can do at our home on a budget. Below I have put together several activities we have tried at home and the kids have loved over the years! Enjoy 🙂

  1. Water play

This is a simple and fun idea for infants. Get a pan and place 1-2 cups of water pending the pan size. Place on a towel under the pan if completing inside and add toys of your choice (cars, balls, bathtub toys, etc.). Based on the age of your infant, place him/her on their stomach, in sitting or in 4-point crawling, and let the fun begin!

  1. Sensory bags

Sensory bags are a great way for infants and toddlers to explore even if they are constantly putting things in their mouths! I love sensory bags because they are very versatile to use and you are able to use what you have available in your home (paint, shaving cream, water, soap, etc.). Based on the age of your infant, tape the bags to the ground for tummy time or 4-point crawling play or have them play in sitting and squish the bags in their hands for hours of entertainment. Here is a link for instructions if you need more help (https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/77591/20-sensory-bags-to-make/).

  1. Pillow crawl

This is another great activity for infants and toddlers to keep them entertained as well as promote gross motor skills and strength. The picture above is a small obstacle course that we created using couch cushions and pillows and it kept my nephews entertained until they wore themselves out!

  1. Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are the idea of the summer for toddlers and preschool-aged children. You can use various household objects such as pillows, chairs, blankets, and laundry baskets. Below is an easy obstacle course we were able to create to give you an idea but please use what you already have available and get creative!

  1. Shape jumping

Jumping is a great activity for children 2+. Jumping has many benefits including improving strength, coordination, body awareness, posture, and flexibility! You can use chalk or paper to cut out shapes or draw fun characters like my niece likes to do! We play similar to the game “twister” and call out shapes, characters, or colors in random order. Be creative and adjust according to your child’s needs.

  1. Water Balloon Toss

From 18 months and older it is appropriate for children to begin throwing overhead to play with peers and family members. So, what better way to make this fun for the summer than to use water balloons? Go to your local grocery store or dollar store to buy water balloons and have entertainment all summer long!

  1. Water hose jump rope

One of the best memories as a child I have is going outside to play with the water hose with my sisters when we were our niece and nephew’s age! Two people are in charge of swinging the water hose and the third will see how many jumps they can complete in a row. Make this game harder by holding a cup of water and see who has the most water left in their cup after completing 10 jumps. 

  1. Build a fort

My nieces and nephews love this for our movie nights at home. Gather all of the fort-building supplies you can think of (blankets, pillows, chairs, sheets, etc.) and get to work, and do not forget to have fun!

  1. Balloon pop relay

The benefit of having a big family is that we always have enough people for a relay race. This is one of the many relays we like to do together during the summer! All you need to do is split your teams evenly, place 2 chairs about 10 ft. a part, and have a bucket of water balloons filled and ready to go. Each player takes a turn running to the chair, and sitting on a balloon until it pops. After they pop the balloon, they set out a new one on the chair, and tag the next teammate. The first team to pop all of their balloons wins!

  1. Take a walk

One of the simplest and best things you can do at any age is to take a walk. Whether your children are in a stroller, in your arms, in a toy car, or just walking beside you a short walk around your yard or neighborhood will allow you all to get out of the house, take in some fresh air, and explore your community! Remember to check the weather and go early in the morning or later at night to beat the heat. 

Hope you were able to find one or two ideas to keep your kids entertained all summer long. Be safe and make this the best summer yet!

About the Author:

Paige Pharr was born and raised in Gatesville, Texas. She attended Texas Woman’s University and where she was awarded her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Her passions are working with children, spending time with her family, and working out.

Her goal as a physical therapist is to provide individualized patient care to allow each child to gain skills that will allow them to be successful now and in the future. 

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